Koji Shiroshita 城下浩伺

Completely Untitled

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

untitled Koji Shiroshita artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

Koji Shiroshita's artwork

In this oppressive and chaotic society where much happens without reason, I search for freedom in my art. It is freedom from any motifs, titles, colors, techniques, symbols, prejudices, furthermore, it's freedom from my circumstances, emotions and imagination. Following these countless conditions, while at the same time creating a contradiction by ignoring them.

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