Koji Shiroshita 城下浩伺

Drawing on Space Workshop and Outcome Exhibition

Workshops: October 28, November 11, December 2, 2023 / Outcome Exhibition: January 18 - January 28, 2024

Nara History, Arts and Culture Village

At the Nara History, Arts and Culture Village, a series of three workshops and an outcome exhibition titled “Drawing on Space” were held, where participants experienced the creative process.

During the workshops conducted from October to December 2023, participants created artworks through VR drawing following a demonstration by Koji Shiroshita. These drawings were then augmented into AR by XR creator Mifuku. Participants could choose their favorite location within the venue to capture AR photographs, completing their works. These were later displayed at the outcome exhibition in January 2024.

The exhibition featured AR photographs of the “Drawing on Space” artworks created by the workshop participants, printed and displayed. Additionally, these drawings were placed as three-dimensional artworks within a virtual reality venue, created from 3D scans of the exhibition room. Simultaneously, three-dimensional artworks by artists from the “Dandelion House” were also recreated in VR through 3D scanning and combined with the drawings.

Visitors could wear VR goggles at the actual venue to view this VR exhibition, creating an experience akin to warping into a parallel world’s exhibition hall.

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