Koji Shiroshita 城下浩伺

City as Art at Kyoto Art Center

Mar. 15, 2024


Kyoto Art Center, Ohiroma and Kodo
Yamabushiyama-cho 546-2, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8156 JAPAN

We will have a VR/AR experience booth at the meeting in the second part of the event.
Visitors can wear VR goggles to view the 'Drawing on Space' created in the hall of the Kyoto Art Centre, which will be the venue for the event.
The Kyoto Art Centre was originally built in 1869 as the Meirin Elementary School, and the hall still retains traces of its former days.
Wearing VR goggles, visitors can view the drawings in the hall, as well as purchase the Drawing on Space zine and experience AR.

Utsuwa website

The seminar will discuss themes related to urban development, such as the linkage between art and real estate, art as imagined by citizens, and art in Kyoto, a tourist city attracting attention from around the world.

Speakers (in no particular order, titles omitted)

Ryotaro Yamamoto (Chief of Project Promotion Section 4, Project Promotion Office, General Planning Bureau, Kyoto City)
Chika Kishimoto (Real Estate Planner / Representative Director, Add Spice Co.)
Masako Ueda (Art Hotel Producer / Representative of MISENOMA / Former Manager of Hotel Anteloum Kyoto)


Kenta Kaneda (Design strategist / representative of strategy and creative company without invitation)

Stall holders (in no particular order)

Ambient-snack bar Masako & Namina
Mitate Co.
Koji Shiroshita & Mifuku
Yumi Hirota + Futaguchi Daigaku
Hirotaka Fukui
Kyogei B-Labo
Hanabusa Broadcasting
Maeda Coffee Meirin
Art x Business co-creation base “Utsuwa”

Production of ‘Drawing on Space’ by Koji Shiroshita at the Kyoto Art Centre Hall

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